We guard the most important gear in your sport bag...your performance footwear!
Company Overview
SMSportz® Design, LLC-  Our mission is to design and develop disruptively innovative products that enhance the overall athletic experience.
The Epiphany- After dropping off my children to the soccer field for practice and then washing my car, I drove back to the field to pick up my first daughter. As she was about to get into my vehicle, I shouted, "Stop! You're not getting into my clean car with those dirty cleats!" 
That was the moment I realized there had to be a better way for families to deal with the hassle and mess of cleated sports.  My daughter's coach was watching this episode and chuckling, as he stood beside his SUV barefoot and banging his muddy cleats together, with mud SPLOSHING everywhere.
That's basically how the idea of "Splosheez" was born.  I simply wanted to make life easier for everyone, to STOP the "Splosh" and to"Ease" the mess and annoyance that budding athletes and their families deal with on almost a daily basis!  
The Metamorphosis- It is said that "Necessity is the mother of invention."  Well, this mother had no idea how that one epiphany, and the subsequent idea of how to cover those muddy, messy, cleats would change my life.  Likewise, in the beginning, I had no idea how helpful a sport shoe cover could be to sport enthusiasts and their families.  What started as a way to contain the mud and mess of cleated sports has morphed into a smarter system for managing any sport shoe that can't be worn outside because it will ruin the shoe, or inside because it will soil carpets or scratch hardwood floors.  I made these sport guards for me and for my children with features that I wanted and hoped other sport parents and players would value.
Here's how they work:
Splosheez Invertables™ are designed to be worn at all times and removed only when you are on your soccer field, lacrosse turf, gym floor, or wrestling mat.  It goes like this...after your practice or game, if you played on a grass field and have mud or grass in your cleats, follow these steps:
1. Grab your Splosheez™ Sport guards from your bag
2. Invert the heel to expose the 3 built-in cleaning bosses (that's an engineering technical term I've learned) and use the protrusions to clean in between the cleats, removing any large clumps of muddy grass.  
3. Cover your sport cleats with the Splosheez™ athletic cover to contain any remaining small bits of debris in the washable guard.
Now you can walk safely across the parking lot to your car without prematurely wearing down your sport cleats and losing your edge.  Now you can walk, bike, or drive home safely without making a mess of your parent's car-- saving them money and hassle!!!
Once you are home, you can walk into your home and remove your sport shoes with the Splosheez™ Sport cover remaining on your cleat so that the next time you have a game or practice you don't need to do anything other than put your already covered shoes on and go!  Your sport bag will be clean (no more biohazards from whatever you stepped on at the field and no dried mud, grass, or turf debris either)!  
Now you can get dressed completely at home if you like to insure you never get halfway to your practice or game and realize you are missing socks, shin guards or even sport shoes.  Your parents will be happy, you will be less stressed, and your coach will be impressed that you arrive  on time and ready to play like the serious player you are!

Splosheez Invertables™, the innovative cleat guard that, not only morphs your cleat into a sleek looking street shoe to allow players to walk to and from the game without prematurely wearing down the cleat, but has a built in patented “Invert-to-Clean™” feature that provides a simple solution to keeping your cleats fit for play.  

Splosheez Invertables™ cleat covers are durable and elastic enough to allow room for growth, plus come in four fun colors.

Guard your cleats from wear and your car and home from grass, mud, and turf, as you turn your cleat into a street shoe to gain secure mobility and flexibility. Stop the SPLOSH!

SMSportz® Design, LLC Patents Numbers.:

US 8,225,529

US D651,381

US D631,644

European Patent 2,341,789